Investing in Our Future: Understanding the Necessity of Fee Increases

Spring 2024 Newsletter

We trust this message finds you in good spirits and health. It has been a while since our last communication in the form of a newsletter, and we are delighted to reconnect with you in this format. As stewards of our cooperative, we recognize the importance of transparent and regular communication, and we pledge to make newsletters a more frequent occurrence to keep you informed about the happenings within our community. As we move forward, we pledge to keep you updated more regularly through newsletters like this one. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome as we strive to foster a transparent and engaged community. Thank you for your attention, understanding, and ongoing commitment to our cooperative.

Warm regards,

Gardens 75th St Coop Board 

Why the Increase in Maintenance Fees? 

The decision to raise maintenance fees at a higher than usual rate was not made lightly. It was necessitated by a confluence of factors driving up our day-to-day operational expenses. Significant increases in energy prices, insurance premiums (which spiked by 40%), and local law compliance requirements for property projects have all contributed to this decision. Moreover, property taxes, which constitute a substantial portion of the city's revenue, have surged, further adding to our financial responsibilities. Increases in sewage and water rates by 5% and 8% respectively, alongside rising staffing payroll, repair and maintenance costs, and supply expenses, have collectively exerted considerable upward pressure on our operational budget.

Understanding the Sublet Fee Increase

In addition to the maintenance fee adjustment, we have also revisited the subletting fee structure. It's worth noting that there hasn't been an increase in sublet fees for over two decades. After careful consideration and in recognition of evolving market conditions, a decision was reached to implement a sublet fee increase, effective May 1, 2024.

The new sublet fee structure will include the following:

  • 20% increase in the first year

  • 25% in the second year

  • 30% in the third year, calculated as a percentage.

While fee increases are never easy to digest, it's important to recognize that they are not arbitrary decisions but responses to the ever-changing economic landscape and our commitment to maintaining the integrity and sustainability of our cooperative. By investing in these fee adjustments, we are securing a stronger financial footing for our community, ensuring that we can continue to provide the high-quality living standards and services that our shareholders deserve. Your understanding and support in this matter are greatly appreciated as we navigate these necessary steps towards a brighter future for our cooperative.

Wrapping Up: FACADE inspection

Facade inspection and repair is wrapping up. This necessary Local Law 11 brick work and construction was an arduous process, but one we feel has significantly improved the quality of our building’s exterior.

Coming Up: Garage Repairs

Once the facade work is complete, we will begin the process of internal repairs as well as a garage update. Stay tuned for updates.

Maintenance Increase January 1, 2023

Garden 75 Owners Corp 35-38 75th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

February 2, 2023

All Shareholders: Garden 75 Owners Corp 35-38 75th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Dear Shareholders:

We hope you continue to stay safe and healthy in these trying times. This has certainly been a very difficult year.

The Board of Directors has recently finalized and approved our budget for the coming year. After careful review of our anticipated operating costs, I have to inform you that a monthly maintenance increase of 5% which will go on the books retroactively as of January 1, 2023.

Please be assured that your Board of Directors and Argo Real Estate LLC (our management company) continue to be mindful of our operating costs. Our fixed expenses such as mortgage payments, real estate taxes, insurance, payroll, management fees and utilities consume up to 90% of our budget, thus we cannot reduce these costs. In addition, due to the ever-increasing local laws that require buildings to follow so many compliance regulations, the costs incurred to adhere to these laws are unavoidable. After much heart-searching we agreed to limit the maintenance increase this year to 5%.

Please contact Michael Berkowitz, our Property Manager, at 212-896-8600 or, if you have any questions or concerns.


Board of Directors


September 2022 Newsletter

The Gardens at 75th Newsletter

Welcoming Michael Berkowitz, Our New Argo Property Manager

Michael Berkowitz joined Argo eight weeks ago, replacing Charles Bimba. He's off to a running start, learning about the building, and troubleshooting issues.  

Michael's contact information:
Direct Dial: 212.896.8649 | Cell: 917.224.9130 | Email:

Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 27th

Please email Michael with any questions or issues you'd like raised at the Board Meeting.

Energy Efficient, Cost-Saving LED Lights to be Installed in Common Areas 

As part of New York City's plan to cut fossil fuel emissions, all residential and office buildings have until 2024 to meet certain energy targets, or face annual fines beginning in 2025. (More stringent energy-saving requirements will go into effect in 2030.) An initial requirement is to replace all lighting with energy-efficient LED lights.

In order to comply with this timeline, avoid fines, and take advantage of energy savings, the Board has decided to install dimmable, bi-level lighting with sensors that provide a minimum amount of light, and brighten as they detect people. These lights adhere to the latest NYC Energy Conservation Codes and NYC Local Law 88.

Work will begin early in October.

As the cost of electricity is expected to keep rising, our engineers have projected a 16 month payback period.

Benefits of the new lighting include:

  • Greater energy efficiency, and lower utility charges;

  • Reduced lighting maintenance costs;

  • Improved emergency functionality;

  • Enhanced aesthetics, and an improved public image.

Composting is Coming to Queens!

Curbside Composting will be available to ALL residents in Queens. The first pickup will be on Thursday, October 6, 2022. No need to sign up. Just look for the brown bins in the basement, next to the recycling containers. Please be considerate and make sure that no food is outside of the bin. 

Landscape Project

Management is working with an architect and engineer to review drawings and update permits. Stay tuned for further information.

Website and Digital Communications

In the interest of more transparency and greater communication, we have a website for the building. If you have news that you'd like featured on the site, or have a request for what you'd like to see featured, please email us.

November 2020 Newsletter



In the Spring of 2021, the courtyard project will finally be underway. There were a few bumps in the road with landscape design and budgeting as well as


We will be installing sanitizer stations throughout the complex. The safety of our community is a priority.


All electrical panels need to be upgraded. These panels control the elevators as well as the laundry and have been causing issues. Technicians have been contracted and work will take place soon. When this work takes place, the electricity to the elevators will be down for approximately six hours. Tenants will be notified prior to this happening so they can plan accordingly.


Though most units are in compliance with the mandatory brackets under AC units, a thorough check will happen in Spring 2021.